Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dear mother blog 5

      This story elaborate on my mother  when  she was about 10 years younger. My questions to her was about her like with and before. Where did she see herself 10 years  ago. What did she think her life would be like and also why did she do the things she did. When I would ask this before she would come  up with answers just escape the obvious.  What is interesting about her is I want to know what ran threw her mind when she did the things she did, knowing the consequences. I didn't grow up with my mother, so growing up when I see mother talk about how much they cherish there kids ,it makes me wonder why couldn't my mom have been like those women who cherished  their children. She said alot of hurtful stuff that sometimes I wondered if I was hers.
  It's sad that for some children that rich love that they have for their parents they can never get back.  Makes me wonder why do we have parents  and why were  we assigned to these  specific people who have no care in the world. It's hurts the most when the one person who you expected  love from doesn't love you back. You wonder why the world was so cruel. It's sad when that one person find love in other things and not her children.

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